-50 Degree weather in our location
3/27/2019 (Permalink)
On January 30th 2019, Chicago land area hit a record of the coldest in Chicago history. Temperatures reached a stunning Negative 50 degrees with the windchill. Even going outside for longer than 5 minutes can cause a problem with health and safety. With this type of weather can also cause problems with homes and businesses. Pipes can begin to freeze and cause damage to the home. This became true when ,3 days after the historical weather, temperatures hit from -50c to 50f. This jump in the weather will cause the pipes frozen on the 30th to defrost and burst. This became true when more and more houses began to call in needing SERVPRO teams to come in and fix the problem. Houses were seeing up to 2-5 pipe breaks in the house. SERVPRO teams are always ready for what the temperature will bring us.