Tornado Season
3/1/2022 (Permalink)
As we flip the calendar to March, this usually means two things, spring is coming and so is tornado season. In the Midwest, tornado season typically runs from March to early June. Just last year, we had a tornado hit in Woodridge only a couple miles from where our office is located. When something like that happens right in your backyard it makes you realize how important it is to be prepared for the situation. Here are some tips to help you prepare in the event of a tornado;
It is important to identify the safest location in your house, this is usually a basement, storm cellar, or an interior room on the lowest level of the home with no windows.
Putting together an emergency kit will go a long way in helping you through the event. The kit should contain things such as food, water, flashlights, batteries, and any medications your family may need.
Ensure your family knows how to get in touch with each other in the event someone gets separated. Develop a plan, whether that be meeting at a specific location, contacting a neighbor, etc. Relying on a phone call is risky due to the volume of calls and the possibility of the lines getting jammed.
Being prepared will go a long way in providing you and your family with safety and security in the event of a tornado.